Thursday, April 9, 2009

New Drivers Auto Insurance - The Quick Tips to Lower Your Insurance Premiums

By Nicholas Vernon
How much do you pay for your teenagers auto insurance? No matter what it is I imagine its to much. Having a teenager on your insurance policy can make premiums go up by %250 or more. There are several guidelines to follow to make sure your premiums don't go to high.

These tips can help you lower your payments but in some circumstances they may not work.

-- Send your teenager to safety classes. A lot of insurance agencies offer classes to allow for parents to lower their premium payments. Reductions from these classes often amount to about 10 percent.

-- Make sure the car your teen drives is as safe as possible. The type of car and its safety score will determine how much the premiums are. Good quality mid-sized sedans are the best option.

-- Preventing your teen from having accidents is crucial in keeping your payments as low as possible. Some parents ride with teens for the first for few days or weeks to make sure they know how to drive.

-- Another way to cut your payments is to get a new insurance provider. The best way to get a new policy to get multiple quotes online. In order to find the best deals you must get 4 or 5 quotes. Just getting one quotes significantly limits your chances of getting a good deal.

Where do you get quotes at online? There are many places to get quotes online, a simple search on Google will yield 30 plus results. All these sites are good in their own ways.

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Blogger Libby said...

Absolute information is shared on how to lower insurance premiums in case of young drivers. I will do also follow all the guidelines to make sure that premiums don't go high. Thanks for this great help.
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October 20, 2011 at 3:08 AM  
Blogger odor said...

Thank you for your great tips! I was surprised that even though you wrote this post quite time ago it still helped me more than newer posts on this subject!
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January 23, 2012 at 3:53 AM  

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